Courier Clash

Thunder Blossom Studio

Gameplay Programmer

Tools Used:
Unity, HacknPlan, Confluence, GitHub

Project: Courier Clash

Courier Clash, developed using Unity, assembled a diverse studio comprising designers, programmers, and artists, totaling 50 individuals. The project embraced agile methodologies, employing Gantt charts, work breakdown structures, risk assessments, and weekly sprint planning to ensure systematic progress and coordination. Within the development process, a specialised gameplay department, consisting of six programmers, including myself, focused on refining gameplay mechanics and features.

Software Utilised:

Unity: Chosen as the engine for development due to our team's comfort and extensive experience with its tools and features. Its suitability for realising the stylized look we aimed for made it the ideal choice.

GitHub: Utilised as the primary source control platform to facilitate collaboration and version management across the team.

Hacknplan: Employed for sprint planning and organisational tasks, ensuring project milestones were effectively tracked and met.

Google Docs: Utilised for the creation of the game design document and other external documentation, fostering transparent communication and documentation of design decisions.


Gameplay Architecture Design: Worked closely with the lead programmer to design the game architecture, effectively serving as an informal secondary lead programmer, ensuring the coherence and efficiency of the game's technical framework.

Modular Spawning and Distribution System: Designed and implemented a versatile spawning and distribution system, enabling dynamic placement of objects throughout the game levels with extensive customization options for designers, enhancing level design flexibility.

Main Delivery Mechanic Creation: Developed the core delivery mechanic, responsible for carrying and delivering packages within the game, contributing to the central gameplay loop and player experience.

Custom Attribute Creation: Implemented custom attributes to streamline collaboration with designers, reducing confusion and enhancing workflow efficiency. These attributes included dropdown menus and read-only attributes, simplifying the design process.

Destructible System Development: Created a robust destructible system capable of destroying objects within the game environment. This system, compatible with any mesh, utilised pre-broken meshes to optimise destruction efficiency, enhancing gameplay realism and immersion.

Game Loop and State Management: Orchestrated the complete game loop and managed game states through the implementation of a sophisticated state machine, ensuring smooth gameplay transitions and overall player experience.

Courier Clash Gameplay Trailer

This video was recorded at the release of courier clash. This video intention is to showcase the gameplay mechanics.